This article is about how to split comma separated string value in a column or string variable value into multiple columns in SQL Server. Here delimiter can be any special character such as comma (,), hash (#), dollar ($), etc.,.
For example, if you have the following string and if you want each of the value comma separated string into a separate column.
Split comma separated string in a column and convert into columns
For example, if you have the following column (Name_age_gender_height_weight) and if you want each of the value comma separated string from that column into a separate column.
That’s it.Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.
- Split comma separated string value and convert into columns
- Split comma separated string in a column and convert into columns
For example, if you have the following string and if you want each of the value comma separated string into a separate column.
-- Input variable (comma seperated)
declare @strval varchar(45)='mahesh,satish,krishna,lakshmi,rakesh';
-- Drop temp table if exists
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##strspilt') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##strspilt;
-- Identifying the start and end positions of comma separated values (CTE, CHARINDEX)
-- spilt the string into rows using start and end position
-- final resultset will be copied into temp table (##strspilt)
;with str_spilt_col AS (
SELECT 1 AS start_pos,
CHARINDEX(',',@strval) AS end_pos,1 AS id
SELECT CHARINDEX(',',@strval,end_pos)+1 AS start_pos,
WHEN CHARINDEX(',',@strval,end_pos+2)=0 THEN
ELSE CHARINDEX(',',@strval,end_pos+2)
END AS end_pos, id+1 AS id
FROM str_spilt_col
WHERE end_pos<=DATALENGTH(@strval)-charindex(',',REVERSE(@strval))+1 )
end_pos-start_pos) AS msg,
id into ##strspilt
FROM str_spilt_col
-- convert rows to columns (DYNAMIC SQL)
-- Prepare dynamic query
declare @sql nvarchar(500)='',@i int=1
while (@i<= (SELECT max(id) FROM ##strspilt))
if (@sql='')
SET @sql+='(select msg from ##strspilt where id='+cast(@i AS nvarchar)+') as col'+cast(@i AS nvarchar)
SET @sql+=',(select msg as col'+cast(@i AS nvarchar)+' from ##strspilt where id='+cast(@i AS nvarchar)+') as col'+cast(@i AS nvarchar)
SET @i+=1
SET @sql='select distinct '+@sql
execute (@sql)
Split comma separated string in a column and convert into columns
For example, if you have the following column (Name_age_gender_height_weight) and if you want each of the value comma separated string from that column into a separate column.
declare @strspilt table
Name_age_gender_height_weight varchar(25)
insert into @strspilt values
select p1.Pos,p2.Pos,p3.Pos,p4.Pos,
substring(Name_age_gender_height_weight,1, P1.Pos - 1) as Name,
substring(Name_age_gender_height_weight, P1.Pos + 1, P2.Pos - P1.Pos - 1) as Age,
substring(Name_age_gender_height_weight, P2.Pos + 1, P3.Pos - P2.Pos - 1) as Gender,
substring(Name_age_gender_height_weight, P3.Pos + 1, P4.Pos - P3.Pos - 1) as Height,
substring(Name_age_gender_height_weight, P4.Pos + 1, 10) as [weight]
from @strspilt
cross apply (select (charindex(',', Name_age_gender_height_weight))) as P1(Pos)
cross apply (select (charindex(',', Name_age_gender_height_weight, P1.Pos+1))) as P2(Pos)
cross apply (select (charindex(',', Name_age_gender_height_weight, P2.Pos+1))) as P3(Pos)
cross apply (select (charindex(',', Name_age_gender_height_weight, P3.Pos+1))) as P4(Pos)
That’s it.Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.
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